Friday, July 10, 2009

Go Ahead, Call the Po Po Ho!

Yes, it has happened. I was shooting in an abandoned building when cops descended up on my shoot.

Evidently someone saw what they thought was innapropriate through a window and called the fuzz. Funny thing is that we were in the Ghet-TOE at the time and I figure someone called the cops on me to divert attention away from whatever they had planned.

Anyway, the freaking police called for BACKUP. Yes there were three cops there in as many cars with me and my two models being held on the sidewalk while they checked our ID's and our stories.

Humiliation set in as drug dealers and hookers went by, staring and laughing. Good grief.

Clearly we weren't doing anything wrong and after our illustrious public protectors were satisfied of that we were free to go. Will make an interesting blurb for my memoirs one day.

Here are a few from that shoot. The last two are from the building we got busted in and obviously the others were taken in the studio.

1 comment:

  1. been there, too, sadly. people get bored - we pay the price.
